Friday, February 10, 2012

Proud to be an Indian.

When someone asks me "Where are you from?"Something in me springs up to say "from India". For me, India is a place of diverse culture. It is one country that has several religions, languages, cultures and social backgrounds and yet there is something that binds us together. We probably are truly living up to the phrase "Unity in Diversity" that defines the very dynamics of our society. This is something that makes us special in the eyes of the world. Today many countries look at India as an emerging power. The reason being the potential of all its citizens. "The largest democracy of the world" is a phrase that has become synonymous to our nation.

We do not have to remind ourselves the facts that make India unique. But I take pride in doing that. So here goes... India has a rich history illustrating her evolution. Such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Itihasas and a few others which in itself are an infinity of knowledge and wisdom. The idea that a vast extent of subjects are covered in our ancient texts may not be intriguing to us. But it is from these texts that the various subjects like Math, Science, Medicine, Astronomy, Politics, Preventive medicine, Philosophy, Astrology, Moral Sciences and more have emerged. This is the birth place of Yoga, Ayurveda, Vaastu, Astrology which now are revered by several nations.

Now coming to the real issue. Are we worth this treasure? Mankind has reached such advances in science and technology that any information is at the tip of finger, one could be miles away and control their kitchen lights and many many more. Though such advances in science and technology have made our lives comfortable and luxurious. But at what expense... We all are lost in the race of earning money instead of enjoying what we have, in securing our child's life instead of teaching them how to live, engaged in advanced gadgets instead of spending time with nature and lost in financial or revengeful plotting instead of savoring each moment of our life. Not to mention severing relationships for materialistic gains instead of spreading love.

Most of us squander our time engaged in frivolous issues. The insanely melodramatic Indian T.V serials are the best example. Some of us empathize with the wretched characters of the serials consequentially agonizing personal lives. A human life has some unavoidable duties to satisfy necessities. We cannot escape the fact that no matter who we are and what we do there are somethings none of us can control. The point is, when we already have enough problems to deal with then why indulge in fictitious characters and their problems merely clouding our minds. The better way to spend our time could be by indulging in new experiences, learning, enlightening ourselves and others, performing charity, praying or by personal enrichment. At times, some are misguided by sinful ideas that have been proven to be disgraceful by prominent personalities. A perfect example would be Dr. B R Ambedkar who fought against the caste system and untouchability throughout his life. Untouchability at that time was a disease that infected India.

Our thoughts and reasoning are mostly influenced by whats easy, attractive and sometimes immoral. This impairs an individual's judgement and sense of morale.

Unfortunately, the roots of our society are infected by several social differences. People are divided into several groups based on Caste, Religion, Culture, Languages and Money. For example, children who come from a financially low background are frowned upon by Educational institutions. Thus, sowing the seeds of immorality in them. The place that is meant to impart knowledge to children and give them the wisdom to tell the difference between good and bad, is nothing but an unethical corporation. People of a particular caste, religion or language find favorable weather in organisations of same group . People are motivated by the thought of gaining monetary benefits rather than raising our moral standards. Bribing is a common method of encouraging people to perform duties they are employed to perform. Quality and safely of citizens is compromised for politicians' corruption and selfish gains. Joint family is no longer a place for strong bonding, moral upbringing or healthy growth but a place of  immorality and selfishness. Real talent is overshadowed by corruption and power.
Our country has and is everything great but still has every flaw.

Unfortunately for us all, our cultural roots are growing weaker, morality is being flushed down the drain, good and bad are no longer of any significance, great teachings are being wasted, knowledge from our ancient texts are mere entertainment and peace is nothing real. If we reform all these and put country's growth as the top most priority, India will be a super power soon and no one can even compare to us. We are all talented, brainy and extremely capable people if we use our full potential for the development of our country then India will be the greatest soon.