Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Being Human?

What does “being human” really mean? Is it in the heart of a billionaire who donates generously, in the hands of a mother who soothes her crying child, in the tears of an onlooker who witnesses a gruesome accident? Or is it none of these. But in the mind of a poor uneducated man who besides his own helplessness shows the generosity of helping his less-fortunate fellowmen. In all the other circumstances the individuals are either materialistically or emotionally obligated to show love/kindness. To make it clear, For example; a mother's love for her child is unconditional. It is natural and comes without any Q&As or contracts. But whereas a stranger committing an act of kindness without any selfish motive - where does that come from and how can it be measured? A few months back I came across an internet news article about a poor cobbler in India. He obviously earned a very small amount every month. He just earned barely enough for his survival. But every month he sent some money to his wife for her expenses and (believe it or not) donated the remaining amount to an Girls Orphanage. To the Orphans in the city hostel, this man is "God". What does it actually mean – to be a human or what do we really intend to convey when we say "humane"?
I want to say that I never felt that the statement “God lives within us” could be any truer after reading that article. I don't know if I will ever be able to have a heart as big as that Cobbler. But he sure is a great inspiration.
God gives all of us a great gift - “the gift of free will”. We all get to choose what we do. Be it Good or Bad. We can choose to be a "Human" by our own definition or "God-like" as defined by others. Human, being a person who reacts biologically to the incidents around him and "God", being the one who stands out of the crowd and gives more significance to actions than words. Perhaps, we need more of the "God-like" in this world to make it a better place for all of us. After all, what could be more meaningful than living a life full of noble or kind actions?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

About This Blog

Dear Readers,
I want this blog to be a discussion table for various subjects. I will express my views about my experiences or imaginations. And through this I will learn and improve. Self improvement is my sole intention and of course, having some fun. What's life without fun. I hope this helps us vent and let go.

My posts might make you say "yes I can relate to this". So take this joy ride with me and let's enjoy. I am eager to know what you think.